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Cortex makes it easy for engineering organizations to gain visibility into their services and deliver high quality software.

  • Understand and operate your services

  • Set objective standards for service quality

  • Establish ownership and accountability

  • Drive org-wide progress in ongoing initiatives



Shaun McCormick

Shaun McCormick

“We know if an engineer gets pulled out of what they’re doing, it takes 30 minutes to re-engage, Cortex lets us reduce noise and keep our team focused on the highest priority work.”

Principal Software EngineerCompany Logo
Kurt Christensen

Kurt Christensen

“More and more we think of Cortex less as a product and more as a platform on which we are building all of our internal intelligence for engineering.”

Senior Engineering ManagerCompany Logo
Javier de Vega Ruiz

Javier de Vega Ruiz

"One of the biggest improvements we've seen since implementing Cortex is in our Mean Time to Restore- which we reduced by 67%. Being able to quickly find service information is a small operational change that has enormous impact."

Chief Software EngineerCompany Logo


Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) are the engineering system of record. They use connection to all tooling to provide golden paths for new software builds, and ensure continuous alignment to standards of excellence.

From services and APIs to Kubernetes clusters and data pipelines—IDPs eliminate “swivel chair” for devs by centralizing the information they need to build, deploy, and maintain healthy software. LetsGetChecked, BigCommerce, and Grammarly see results like decreased incident frequency and duration, and increased in deployment velocity with Cortex's IDP.

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